Hard-won Wisdom and Ways Podcast

Episode 3: From Grief to Hope, Holding It All

Hosted by: Catherine Flavin
Featuring: Dr. Maria Sirois and Dr. Rob Fazio

One of the leadership paradoxes in that we face in times of crisis is that we accomplish what needs to get done and focus on the future, while also feeling what is going on and acknowledging grief and anxiety. The capacity to operate within this paradox is the capacity of resilience. Feeling + Focus = Resilience.

Effective leaders operate successfully in this paradox by demonstrating authentic leadership. Authentic leadership is leadership that is deeply connected to the leader’s values and what is meaningful to him/her. To employ authentic leadership, practice these four behaviors:

  • Identify what is meaningful to you at home and work and connect it to what you do

  • Find your meaning in the work that you do and link it to the larger organizational mission (e.g. hospital cafeteria worker who understands that her job was to feed and care for people in some of the worst moments of their lives)

  • Invite others to participate in work that is meaningful to you

  • Recognize that having the capacity to shift your lens towards meaning will invigorate and sustain you in challenging times

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Questions to Ask

Reflect on these questions to ensure that you are successfully leading your team to results while demonstrating compassion.
