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Corporate Advocates


Serving LeaderMoms and those who strive to engage and retain them.

Change the Prophecy and Win on Talent

The case has been made very well for more women in leadership, and more organizations are committing to it. Yet, there is more risk and opportunity today than ever before.

Only when we see and outsmart biases against women in leadership in our own organizations, will we truly make an impact.

It sounds and feels like this:

  • How dare you work and have kids?

  • How dare you have kids and work?

  • How dare you not work?

  • How dare you not have kids?

To increase the number of qualified women in senior and executive leadership roles, this work needs to speak to all of us. Women and men alike.  

To learn more about us, read Why LeaderMom Now.


Corporate Pillars


Everyone who hears these stories wins. 

Everyone wins because these top-notch leaders, these producers, have full, thriving lives and relationships. 


Upgrade your organization’s self-fulfilling prophecies.

Many say motherhood is a career killer. It’s not. We can stop reifying the beliefs and circular narratives that exhaust and deflate us.


We can mine the gold. 

Learn from admired producers. Gold pours from the minds, hearts and stories of accomplished women who are high on competence and contribution. 


Data-driven stories beat anecdotes and architypes. 

This research offers a compelling narrative about what is possible when it comes to engaging and retaining talented women throughout their career life cycle.


Share knowledge and teach skills to sustain high engagement. 

Compete by building management skills based on what LeaderMoms say their best bosses do better.


Primary Corporate Offerings



  • LeaderMom Lessons for All of Us – Everyone wins because these top-notch leaders get results and, have full, thriving lives and relationships.

  • Do This/Not That: Exporting the Skills of LeaderMoms’ Best Bosses. Stop accepting turnover of women as inevitable; it doesn’t have to be. Not everyone loses LeaderMoms. This program leverages our research to teach leaders how to better engage and retain high performing women with children.

Coaching for Key Talent at Key PointsDetails coming soon!
(e.g., maternity leave, ambivalence around promotion, burnout, resilience, work-life challenges)

Speaking Engagements 

LeaderMom Memberships as Gifts
To refer a key talent, esteemed colleague or friend, sign them up via the black box or the button below.


To advocates in Executive Leadership, Human Resources and Talent Development, let us know if you want to field a team for the next research study, and if your company is interested in sponsoring our research and/or hosting a regional event.

Ready to Better Engage and Retain LeaderMoms?